See through a different lens!
In its most essential state, photography is the action demanded by the artist's love affair with the Light.
While nothing can survive the darkness, the Photographer is one who is obsessed with the Light; he pursues her, courts her in every scene, and ultimately marries her with his subject in a perfect union.
I cannot recall a time there was not a camera in my hand.
Mathematics is only an approximation to a universal language -- hammer and tongs, the analysts strive at the forge; yet with a simple touch of a shutter release, the Photographer captures and translates a world of understanding into every language at once.
The perfect photograph is temporal and eternal; both visceral and sublime, it impacts the observer on diverse levels.
While a picture may have a thousand words, the perfect shot speaks volumes -- incorporating a lifetime of stories in a gestalt...
A snapshot entertains the eye,
A Photograph educates the soul.
Lightchaser Photography
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